Really, Sarah Palin?

So, I religiously read the Huffington Post, when I stumbled upon quite an interesting article

Lately, there has been a lot of hype about the world ending in 2012. I’m one of those people that shoot down the accusations – we are not going to have an apocalypse in 2012. The Mayans had to die at some point – they couldn’t continue writing a calendar to go on forever.

But… I may be a bit more hesitant to shoot those theories down now that Sarah Palin is considering running for the presidency in 2012. The world may very well end if she follows through. I’d actually rather burn up from a large meteor than see her as President. But I digress…

We know that Sarah Palin says some things that are questionable. There is no dispute over this from both sides. The woman has a brain – she knows what is right and wrong. But I think she may have lost it…

If you’re going to be upset with someone using the ‘r’ word, then you should be angry with everyone using it. You can’t make an exception just for Rush Limbaugh. Also, I think the reasoning that he “was using it for satire” is completely asinine. There is no difference between how Rush Limbaugh used that word and Rahm Emanuel – they’re both referring to the exact same thing.

I think this may be an all time low for her. Just sayin’.

You betcha!

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