Sieg What?

I understand that people are going to disapprove of any political leader that comes forth in our country. I really do understand this. It’s natural and totally fine – I honestly would be really scared if 100% of the American population agreed with President Obama. Plus, what fun is that? You wouldn’t have anyone to argue with…

But I am sick of everyone comparing people to Hitler. Honestly – the Hitler Complex needs to stop. No matter how much people attempt it, Obama does not equal Hitler. Gordon Brown does not equal Hitler. Even Sarah Palin does not equal Hitler. The only person who you could compare to Hitler was Hitler.

So why do we, and by ‘we’ I mean citizens of the United States, find it pertinent to compare someone we dislike to Hitler in order to prove a strong point? I know that we’ve all heard it – it’s everywhere. If we don’t agree with anyone, we find ourselves saying “S0-and-so is Hitler!” or I know I’ve heard my favorite “America is turning into Nazi Germany. We’re already run by Hitler!”

Really? Is that necessary?

What message is that showing everyone about us? It’s definitely not a good one, that’s for sure.

For example, check out this video:

Now, we all know there has been heated health care debates going on since Obama was inaugurated into office. However, how is it a legitimate argument to state that the proposed health care policies are even somewhat tied to Nazi policies? There is no comparison by any standards.

Honestly, what these messages are sending out are that people are simply uneducated. With all do respect, I don’t mean for that to come across as being offensive – but it really is uneducated statements. Read about the policies of Nazi Germany. Read what Adolf Hitler stood for – it’s all laid out in his manifesto.

Basically – I just wish people would read before making some comments. If you have read and can legitimately back up your beliefs with facts and reasoning – that’s completely fine. I applaud you and will not stop you from having your opinion. But seriously – all I can say is just read.

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