Sieg What?

I understand that people are going to disapprove of any political leader that comes forth in our country. I really do understand this. It’s natural and totally fine – I honestly would be really scared if 100% of the American population agreed with President Obama. Plus, what fun is that? You wouldn’t have anyone to argue with…

But I am sick of everyone comparing people to Hitler. Honestly – the Hitler Complex needs to stop. No matter how much people attempt it, Obama does not equal Hitler. Gordon Brown does not equal Hitler. Even Sarah Palin does not equal Hitler. The only person who you could compare to Hitler was Hitler.

So why do we, and by ‘we’ I mean citizens of the United States, find it pertinent to compare someone we dislike to Hitler in order to prove a strong point? I know that we’ve all heard it – it’s everywhere. If we don’t agree with anyone, we find ourselves saying “S0-and-so is Hitler!” or I know I’ve heard my favorite “America is turning into Nazi Germany. We’re already run by Hitler!”

Really? Is that necessary?

What message is that showing everyone about us? It’s definitely not a good one, that’s for sure.

For example, check out this video:

Now, we all know there has been heated health care debates going on since Obama was inaugurated into office. However, how is it a legitimate argument to state that the proposed health care policies are even somewhat tied to Nazi policies? There is no comparison by any standards.

Honestly, what these messages are sending out are that people are simply uneducated. With all do respect, I don’t mean for that to come across as being offensive – but it really is uneducated statements. Read about the policies of Nazi Germany. Read what Adolf Hitler stood for – it’s all laid out in his manifesto.

Basically – I just wish people would read before making some comments. If you have read and can legitimately back up your beliefs with facts and reasoning – that’s completely fine. I applaud you and will not stop you from having your opinion. But seriously – all I can say is just read.

Proposition H8?

There is no doubt that the Proposition 8 trial that is forthcoming is going to be one of the largest fights our generation will witness.

We’re the generation that has watched States allow gay couples to the same rights as heterosexual couples. Then, not too long after, we watched Proposition 8 pass in California, which took away the rights of the same-sex couples that were just recently given rights. Now, we’re about to watch a massive fight take place in the Federal court system, hoping to overturn Proposition 8 for the fact that it is unconstitutional.

This fight that is about to take place is all over the media. Turn on any news channel or flip open any magazine and I’m sure that you will find one thing mentioning this upcoming trial. Some of the coverage has just been completely ridiculous. So much so, I find myself completely ignoring these articles or news stories, just because what is being said is so off the wall.

My friend recently told me about an article she read in Newsweek, written by Ted Olson (an incredibly prominent and active Conservative who has formerly worked for both the Reagan and Bush II administrations), who highlights why he believes same-sex marriage is an American value.

To put it simply: this article is AWESOME. He leaves absolutely nothing behind and lays everything out there right on the page.

One of my favorite points that he mentions (and that I have argued with my incredibly Conservative family about for months) is how can the Conservatives of America have such adverse feelings to same-sex marriage within the United States? It upholds all the values that Conservatives cherish.

Today’s society is not one of marriage. Yes, people still get married, but not as frequently as they once did. And if they happen to make it all the way to the altar, chances are they will end up in divorce. It’s a sad statistic, but true. But think about it – how many same-sex marriages will end up like this?

Since same-sex marriages haven’t been legal long enough, there are not statistics just yet that prove any definitive point. So I’m basing this solely off of my opinion and my own observations. But – these same-sex couples that are wishing to get married have most likely been together for quite a long time. Most likely, they have been together longer than most couples that are wishing to get married. Why? Because they are not given the right to do so legally. Therefore, they have to endure more so the bonds between them are stronger than most other relationships. So, if given the right to marriage, it’s not like they’re going to divorce within 2 months like many others. It just doesn’t make sense with some of the arguments against this, but that also goes back to my previous post.

How could we deny this?

I could go on endlessly about what else he covers in this article, but that would just be reciting everything else that is said.

What is everyone else’s thoughts on the article?


Last semester, I took a Political Science course about Public Policy and all that goes with it. To be completely honest with myself and everyone else, I did not learn much at all. I can tell you little tidbits of information here and there (that are probably completely and utterly useless), but I could not go fully into depth about anything in specific. However, one phrase from a single article we read has stuck out in my mind from that class ever since:

The Political ideologies of those on the other side of Political spectrum are incomprehensible to those who have opposite views.

Until it had been put into words, I didn’t even truly realize it. Right then though, I realized how right it was. Everyone knows that I am an aggressive liberal – if we start speaking about Politics, about 30 seconds in you will realize very plainly where I stand on everything. I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing but rather I’m just very forward about my feelings and ideas. I don’t hide that I’m ridiculously Liberal.

But it wasn’t until that moment that I realized that the views of those on the opposite side of the Political spectrum (i.e. Republicans or thereabouts) is completely incomprehensible to me. And this isn’t just me being a Liberal and not understanding how they come up with that – but rather anyone and everyone. Ask any Republican about a Liberal’s viewpoint, and they will probably not understand how their thoughts are that way and why they think that.

It’s universal across the board – we can’t come to grips why people believe the things we do. And it honestly doesn’t help that we have such biased news media. Say I were to turn on Fox News at this very moment (why I would do that, I don’t know, but just go with me). I would probably be staring at the tv with a gaping mouth just asking “HUH!? Where in the hell are they getting THAT?!” Most likely, I would disagree with every single statement, not even knowing what to fathom about what is being put before me. And I know I’m not the only one – I’m sure if a Republican were to turn on CNN or MSNBC, they would have the exact same reactions as I have.

So we’ve acknowledged that the other views are incomprehensible – but why? Why do we have such strong feelings that we can’t bring ourselves to understand the other side? I personally believe that a big problem is our biased media. They’re run to make you agree with their statements more, pushing you more away from the truth and gaining knowledge yourself. They tell you the facts, you believe them (with no hesitation), and you find yourself believing the other side is wrong more and more. I admit – I’m guilty of doing this exact thing. Everyone is, unless you do not follow any type of news source.

Why do we let this happen? Why does nobody say stop and order those to be more fair to all sides? This will never happen in America, but only in an idyllic nation which is completely imaginary. We know that the media will never become truly unbiased – it’s not what America wants to hear. They want to turn on a news station that has their own views – they don’t want to listen to something completely down the center. They want controversy, gossip, and scandal. They don’t want boring facts that aren’t even near towing the line.

I know that an unbiased media is never going to happen. I also know that the fact that the other side’s ideologies are incomprehensible is going to become even more defined and harder to even connect with. But I think it’s something we should all acknowledge and be done with. No more anger at each other for not understanding. Rather, let’s have the understanding that there is no understanding, and maybe we’ll all understand a little bit better. Understand?